Office workers who take half a donut – “The Halvers”

Posted:  April 3rd, 2012 by:  daydreemer comments:  1

Strange subject I know, but the title is in regards to a twitter post that was started by author Ben Wallace, a few months ago (sometime in November I think).

The reason I’m mentioning it now is that I am reading his latest book: “Giving the Bird: The indie author’s guide to Twitter”, and in one chapter it mentions some of the funny / silly / crazy gimmicks he uses, that his followers truly enjoy getting involved in, including me!

Here is a short sample from that chapter:

“… I go off and complain about something. It’s a flat out rant. BUT, it is all done in fun and I never attack anyone personally. For example, past #5minh8s have focused on cats, the new speed of guilt, office workers who take half a donut, running and other mundane everyday things that bother everybody. They are designed to be funny, not actual whining. And everybody likes to play.”

The reason I mention this actual passage is because not only did I get involved in the Twitter conversation, I actually started writing a rhyme (back then) about “The Halvers”. I forgot all about it till now. It was never finished, and I’m sure I started writing this only to avoid whatever work I was supposed to be doing at the time.

Here is how “The Halvers” started:

There is a group of people that should really be ashamed.
A group that makes all other people cringe and then complain.
“This isn’t how you do it.. it’s not normal what you do!”
Society can’t handle them, these selfish thoughtless few.

They think of no-one but themselves, and then just take a bite
of something big and tasty, and pretend that its alright

There you go. An example of how quickly the imagination can work when its trying to get out of actual work.

Maybe Ben ( @BenMWallace ) or one of his followers can finish this off one day. Hint hint.

Also, definately get his book “Giving the Bird: The indie author’s guide to Twitter”, if you want a simple to understand, no nonsense way of improving your twittering. (now I have to go and change my Twitter profile, because his book explained why I should)

Click here to go to the book on Amazon.

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    1 Comment

    Posted By: Benjamin Wallace On: April 03, 2012 At: 12:50 pm

    There is a group of people that should really be ashamed.
    A group that makes all other people cringe and then complain.
    “This isn’t how you do it.. it’s not normal what you do!”
    Society can’t handle them, these selfish thoughtless few.

    They think of no-one but themselves, and then just take a bite
    of something big and tasty, and pretend that its alright
    The smile and convince themselves that they are being kind
    By leaving half a piece of something for someone else behind.

    But truly what they’ve done is snatched up half your snack,
    Stolen some, smiled at you and place the remainder back.
    They think that they’re sharing, but they’re a rotten dirty thief
    That anyone can act like this is far beyond belief.

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